Wednesday, December 5, 2007


People are so intense about the words people use to tell someone they hope they enjoy this time of year. My trip to Wal-Mart today was a perfect example... The guy who mixed our paint said "Happy Holidays." When we walked away, my boyfriend said, notice he didn't say Merry Christmas. And that's what is sad.... We do notice when someone *doesn't* say Merry Christmas. Then as we checked out, there were two clerks tag-teaming the aisle we were in. The second one said happy holidays... The first clerk said you're supposed to say Merry Christmas! This is a problem... You are truly damned if you do and damned if you don't. Does it not occur to people that a long time ago, people said either phrase and it was fine. But now if you say happy holidays, you are obviously against saying Merry Christmas (please pick up on that sarcasm)! If you say Merry Christmas, there's someone there to complain that they don't celebrate Christmas. If you say happy holidays, it's because you're against saying Merry Christmas. Here's my solution: stop worrying about it! Say whatever you want that happens to come out of your mouth in order to convey the message that you hope someone enjoys this festive time of year. Don't assume anything... And just let it go. All this turbo politically correct-ness is taking away from the joy of this season. From now on let's say Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas, and when we hear them from someone else, try not to note which one the person said and assume something about them because of it.


HasNE1seenSam said...

Personally, I think people ignore the weeks prior to Christmas...I mean, how sad would you feel?! Usually, on Fridays, people will say "Have a good weekend." The weekends between Thanksgiving and Christmas are getting boned!!! So, I say...Have a good weekend :-)

but, ps-I agree with you. If someone said, "Happy Hanukkah" to me, I would say, "Thank you! And Merry Christmas to you!" and hope and pray that the person doesn't think I'm being facetious and throw a Kosher frank at me!

My Flock Rocks! said...

I think that when someone says Happy Holiday's, they are covering all holiday's and not subjecting themselves to an embarrassing response, like...I don't celebrate Christmas, I'm Jewish. It's like Christmas cards, they aren't just for Christmas anymore! Happy Holidays!

Common Sense Dude said...

Maybe this is why Festivous is gaining so much popularity.

Anonymous said...

You obviously are part of the majority. It's not that Jewish or Muslim people hate Christmas; it's just that it's not our holiday. For once, I'd like someone to recongize that there are other religions in Peoria. Oh sure, we have the news showing up to an event with the "gee, let's look at the Jewish people or wow, there are Muslims here."

Myself, I prefer Happy Holidays. You hit all bases and it shows respect. Just what you said in an earlier post. Listen to people and you'll find many don't give a hoot about Christmas.

I don't meann to pick on you. Honest. Frankly, I say Merry Christmas just because it's easier and I don't have to deal with the grief from people.

Jennifer said...

I am not Christian but I don't get offended by "Merry Christmas" at all. I think very few non-Christians actually do find it offensive.

Anonymous said...

This blog is sweet!

Anonymous said...

I love these comments!

Anonymous said...

I've had this conversation with a few people this year. One email recently was about a man getting catalogs saying Happy Holidays and he kept the one which said Merry Christmas. His comment was something about the fact that the worry of offending 10% of the population might hurt their income when 90% thinks of Christmas. If these so sensitive people have such hangups about our ways, maybe they should go back to where they come from. It's very offensive when these people can come take up residency in our country yet we condemned for our beliefs or ways of doing things. These people not speaking a lick of English is real offensive. If they really want to be here, they should adjust to this country and not expect this country to adjust to all the places they come from. Sorry...sore subject on this one. We keep taking our belief of God out of everything and Satan is having a party.